Pair of pink sport shoes on white background

Do you have itchy feet?


Tinea (ringworm) is a common fungus that can affect all parts of the skin, hair or nails. It enjoys hot, sweaty conditions and recurs frequently in the warm summer months. Tinea is common on the feet (‘athlete’s foot’) where it typically causes moist, cracking, itchy skin between the toes and scaling on the soles. The

An antique and vintage glass bottle of iodine supplement

Iodine supplement vital in pregnancy



About half of the pregnant women in ­Australia are not getting enough iodine, according to the latest research. Iodine is an essential element used to make thyroid hormone which regulates the body’s metabolism and is vital for normal brain ­development. Thyroid hormone is made in the thyroid gland located in the front of the neck.

Fruits and vegetables with measuring tape on a plate as weight scale

Weight control. Four strategies that work


In this article we discuss some strategies that you can put into practice to make weight control work for you! 1. Eat smaller servings A hot topic in weight control is the large portion sizes in the average diet. Most of us eat much larger meals than our bodies need, especially when eating out. We

Businessman suffering from a bad headache and migraine after work

Could your headaches be migraines?


One in 10 Australians gets migraines. However, up to 50% of sufferers are ­undiagnosed and are not getting the ­effective treatment which is now available. Migraine is a moderate to severe headache lasting 4–72 hours. The pain is often ­throbbing and usually occurs on one side of the head. It is worse with movement and

Chocolate, Chocolate Candy, Truffle Balanced Diet

Chocoholics’ guide to a balanced diet


If you are a chocoholic you’ll undoubtably appreciate our take on how to easily achieve a balanced diet! The 5 food groups are: Dark chocolate Milk chocolate White chocolate Chocolate truffles Chocolate fudge Disclaimer: Please note this information was correct at time of publication. For up to date information, speak to your doctor.

Mini Peanut Butter Cookie Tarts


An occasional indulgence allows you to stick more closely to a healthy eating plan at other times. However, the key is to limit your treats to small quantities and to try not to indulge too often, perhaps once or twice weekly. These low-fat, low-kilojoule tarts are perfect when you crave a chocolate hit! Makes 12  Prep: 10min,

Baby crying and upset due to middle ear infection

An update on middle ear infection


Almost all children have one or more middle ear infections (otitis media) before starting school. Middle ear infections are most common in the 6-24 month age group, especially in the cooler months.  Middle ear infection is an infection of the small space just behind the eardrum. Ear infections often occur 3-4 days after a head

Mother checking temperature of her sick son who has thermometer in his mouth

Do you believe these myths about fever?


Fever makes parents anxious. However, fever is now known to be a good thing, and parental concerns are usually misplaced. Do you believe any of these myths? Myth: Fever is bad for you Fever is a symptom of an underlying illness, usually a viral infection and, in itself, is harmless. Fever from an infection will

Inflammatory bowel disease diagnosis on chart

IBD: Maintenance Medication Vital


Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a term used to describe two conditions, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, both of which cause inflammation of the bowel. The warning signs of IBD IBD can occur at any age, but often begins ­between the ages of 15 – 30 years. Unfortunately, the diagnosis is often delayed as the

Young woman sitting looking out at sunset on top of a hillside and thinking

Don’t ignore affairs of the heart (women)


Did you know that heart disease is  the number one killer for Australian women? In fact, women are 4 times more likely to die from heart disease than breast cancer. What is your ‘absolute risk’? Your ‘absolute risk’ of cardiovascular disease (heart, stroke and blood vessel disease) can be estimated by looking at all your