Streptococcus pneumoniae or pneumococcus a Gram-positive coccus shaped pathogenic bacteria which causes many types of pneumococcal infections in addition to pneumonia

Don’t miss out on pneumococcal vaccination



It’s important to check if you need a pneumococcal vaccination. Only around 50% of older aged Australians and 33% of specific at-risk groups of adults and adolescents are getting vaccinated. This is worrying because pneumococcal disease usually requires hospitalisation and can be life-threatening. Caused by a bacterium called pneumococcus, it can lead to: meningitis (brain

Mature lady reading the instructions to her hormone replacement therapy tablets

Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) – Mythbusters


Hormone replacement therapy (HRT) replaces the hormones a woman’s body stops making due to menopause (the last menstrual period, most often between 45 to 55 years of age). HRT is taken short term, usually up to five years. Here are up-to-date facts on commonly held myths. * Myth (1) – All good or all bad

First Baby, New Parent


First baby, New parent Being a new parent is a life-changing event leading to experiences you’ve never had before. For some it can be a relatively smooth ride, whereas for others problems can occur. Here are helpful tips that can reduce some common potential problems. Dump the myths There are myths about parenting that can

Vitamins, medicines and hot tea in front of woman with a cold sleeping in background

Common Cold


You’ll notice that the common cold makes a comeback as the weather begins to cool down in autumn. As do complementary medicines for many people to prevent and treat common cold symptoms such as a runny nose, sore throat and headache. But complementary medicines for colds have mixed results, what does the research have to

Waldorf salad with kos lettuce, crisp apple, celery, walnuts, spring onions, and a creamy dressing

Chicken Waldorf Salad


Salads are a great way to have both a low-calorie meal and plenty of fresh vegetables. A chicken waldorf ­salad combines the good fat from ­avocado and pecans with lean protein and fibre-rich greens for a perfectly ­balanced choice nutritionally. INGREDIENTS 70g (1/2 cup) pecans (or walnuts) 2 x 250g packets smoked chicken breast fillets,

Mother and daughter using a laptop to surf the internet together

Computers, internet, your child


Computers are fun and educational. However, children need to find a balance between screen time and other activities and need to be safe from online dangers. Experts recommend1 hour maximum screen time per day (TV, DVD, computer) for ­children 2-5 years or 2 hours for those over 5. Children need time interacting with people to

Infant with baby teeth learning how to brush

Baby teeth. What you need to know


The first tooth usually ‘erupts’ between 6–10 months and most children have a full set of 20 ‘baby’ (deciduous) teeth by 3 years. While teething is often uncomfortable, there is still ­controversy about what effect it has. Teething is commonly thought to cause: Drooling Sucking or biting on objects Irritability, crying, loss of appetite Pulling

Doctor showing a radiography to his patient and diagnosing osteoporosis

Treat your osteoarthritis without drugs


Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common type of joint disease in Australia, mainly affecting people over 45 years of age. OA causes pain and stiffness, especially after resting or not moving the joint for a while. The most common joints affected are the hips, knees, hands and spine. Paracetamol tablets/capsules and anti-inflammatory creams and gels

Woman Smoking a Cigarette on Black Background

Women who smoke at greater risk


Smoking is a greater health risk to women than to men. ­Female smokers have an ­overall 35% higher risk of stroke, heart attack and cancers compared to men who smoke. Smoking women are also at risk of additional diseases that do not apply to men. Smoking doubles the rate of cancer of the cervix and

Patient during an eye examination at the eye clinic

Could you have glaucoma?


World Glaucoma Week in March every year is a reminder to get your eyes checked for this hidden disease. Glaucoma Australia ­says 300,000 Australians have some form of glaucoma and half are undiagnosed. Symptoms do not usually occur until serious damage is done. Glaucoma is a group of diseases that damage the optic nerve (the