Chocolate, Chocolate Candy, Truffle Balanced Diet

Chocoholics’ guide to a balanced diet


If you are a chocoholic you’ll undoubtably appreciate our take on how to easily achieve a balanced diet! The 5 food groups are: Dark chocolate Milk chocolate White chocolate Chocolate truffles Chocolate fudge Disclaimer: Please note this information was correct at time of publication. For up to date information, speak to your doctor.

Mini Peanut Butter Cookie Tarts


An occasional indulgence allows you to stick more closely to a healthy eating plan at other times. However, the key is to limit your treats to small quantities and to try not to indulge too often, perhaps once or twice weekly. These low-fat, low-kilojoule tarts are perfect when you crave a chocolate hit! Makes 12  Prep: 10min,

Baby crying and upset due to middle ear infection

An update on middle ear infection


Almost all children have one or more middle ear infections (otitis media) before starting school. Middle ear infections are most common in the 6-24 month age group, especially in the cooler months.  Middle ear infection is an infection of the small space just behind the eardrum. Ear infections often occur 3-4 days after a head

Mother checking temperature of her sick son who has thermometer in his mouth

Do you believe these myths about fever?


Fever makes parents anxious. However, fever is now known to be a good thing, and parental concerns are usually misplaced. Do you believe any of these myths? Myth: Fever is bad for you Fever is a symptom of an underlying illness, usually a viral infection and, in itself, is harmless. Fever from an infection will

Inflammatory bowel disease diagnosis on chart

IBD: Maintenance Medication Vital


Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a term used to describe two conditions, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, both of which cause inflammation of the bowel. The warning signs of IBD IBD can occur at any age, but often begins ­between the ages of 15 – 30 years. Unfortunately, the diagnosis is often delayed as the

Young woman sitting looking out at sunset on top of a hillside and thinking

Don’t ignore affairs of the heart (women)


Did you know that heart disease is  the number one killer for Australian women? In fact, women are 4 times more likely to die from heart disease than breast cancer. What is your ‘absolute risk’? Your ‘absolute risk’ of cardiovascular disease (heart, stroke and blood vessel disease) can be estimated by looking at all your

Young woman touching her face with sponge and smiling while standing in front of the mirror

Are you taking care of your skin barrier?


Preserving the ‘skin barrier’ is the principal aim of skin care, especially for people with dry or sensitive skin. Damage to the skin ­barrier also contributes to a range of skin disorders including eczema and psoriasis. The skin barrier is the thin, protective outer layer of skin. It can be visualised as a brick wall

Man asleep ignoring errectile dysfuynction problem whilst wife lies awake worrying

Never ignore ED


Erectile dysfunction (ED or impotence) is a  very common and important health issue. ED is present if you are unable to get or keep an erection that allows satisfactory intercourse. ED should never be ignored whether you want to have sex or not. It is advisable to get a medical assessment early because ED: Gets

Dietician providing advice on healthy eating

Your nutrition questions answered


Test your knowledge of nutrition on the following topics covered in recent issues of the Australian Healthy Food Guide. Who should eat low-fat dairy foods? Everyone over 2 years of age.  Low-fat milk and cheese are less fattening and rolex replica are better for weight watchers. However, they are also lower in ‘bad’ saturated fat

Brave girl under 5 years receiving flu vaccination

Flu vaccination available again for children under five



Health authorities have advised that seasonal flu vaccine can once again be given to children aged from 6 months to 5 years, using two specific brands, Vaxigrip and Influvac. Vaccination in this age group had been suspended because of an increased risk of fever and febrile convulsions with another brand (Fluvax). However, the risk from Vaxigrip


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