The gut microbiome is the community of over 100 trillion microorganisms that live in our gut—mainly bacteria, but also viruses and fungi. They perform a wide ra...
Bacteria don't deserve to only have a bad reputation. Most are harmless. Less than 1 % cause illness and disease. And trillions of other bacteria on your skin, ...
Constipation is very common in Australia. It affects up to 1 in 10 children and 1 in 5 adults. In addition to causing unpleasant symptoms, it may lead to compli...
If you have Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) or suffer from bloating, abdominal pain or a change in bowel habits you may benefit from a low ‘FODMAP’ diet.#
Lactose is a natural sugar found in dairy foods. It is digested in the bowel by an enzyme called ‘lactase’. People with lactose intolerance don’t have enough o...
Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is a term used to describe two conditions, ulcerative colitis and Crohn’s disease, both of which cause inflammation of the bowe...
People taking part in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program who have had a negative test between 1 December 2008 and 8 May 2009 will be asked to do the te...
A recent analysis of all the available scientific evidence found that 3 simple remedies were effective in this difficult-to-treat condition.
They were:
Australians turning 50, 55 and 65 years of age between January 2008 and December 2010 will be offered a free 'one-off' bowel cancer screening test, in phase 2 o...