People taking part in the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program who have had a negative test between 1 December 2008 and 8 May 2009 will be asked to do the test again.
Free kits were sent to people for home testing when they turned 50, 55 or 65 years. However, some test kits were found to be faulty and the screening program has been temporarily suspended.
It is vital to repeat the test if you are contacted. Testing the bowel motions for blood at home is an effective and simple way to detect cancer or pre-cancer early. Bowel cancer can be treated successfully if found in its early stages.
National Bowel Cancer Screening Program
- Helpline: 1300 738 365
- Website
- Screening retest fact sheet
Please note this information was correct at time of publication.
For up to date information, speak to your doctor.