older couple in tears

Dealing with grief and loss

Grief is a natural response to loss. This could be the loss of a loved one, relationship, pregnancy or pet. For some, it may be the loss of control and independ...
child's legs dangle from toilet

Constipation in Children

Constipation refers to difficulties passing a hard bowel motion (poo). The consistency of the poo and how hard it is to pass is more important than how often yo...
pregnant woman kneeling next to bed

Pain relief during labour

Labour and childbirth is usually a painful experience and it is difficult to know how a woman might respond. Knowing all of the options available for pain relief will help you to decide what is best for you. You may prefer to avoid drugs and other medical interventions or be happy to consider all available options. Include your wishes in your birth plan, but its best to keep an open mind, especially if you are having your first baby....
clock on a plate

The facts about intermittent fasting

What is Intermittent Fasting? Intermittent fasting refers to fasting for certain periods of time during the day or week. This could be true fasting (consuming ...
3D represntation of cholesterol in blood stream

Lowering Blood Cholesterol

Cholesterol is a fatty substance which our body makes naturally and is found in some foods. It is carried around the body in our bloodstream by lipoproteins. The two main lipoproteins are low-density lipoproteins (LDL) and high-density lipoproteins (HD...
overweight man eating burger

Metabolic Syndrome

Metabolic syndrome, also called syndrome X, is a collection of risk factors which together increase the risk of heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes. It is...
pale and tired woman working at a desk

Iron Deficiency

Iron is an important mineral which is needed for many different functions in the body. Its main role is to help in the formation of haemoglobin in red blood cel...